singles / alt versions
i started teaching my daughter skye how to sing harmonies when she was 4-ish. not with music theory or structured lessons, just casual ear training - singing along to the radio, harmonizing with me at home, stuff like that.
when i went into my friend adam lasus’s studio to record this acoustic guitar version of mercury girls, skye was 11. she had certainly heard the song plenty of times, but we had never practiced singing it together. i just knew she could do it - she can sing a harmony to just about anything you play for her.
so after i recorded my vocal and guitar, i asked her to give it a go and sing the harmony part. it took some cajoling and she would only give us two takes, but that was all we needed! she nailed it.
the chemical [pandemic remix]
this was my first time remixing alone in my home studio. once the album version was done, i took the ‘stems’ and did a cut-and-paste remix in protools. i didn’t use ‘the grid’, i just moved parts around by feel against the drum beat. i think i like it better than the original… what do you think?